News and Events
Upcoming Events
The Psalm-Network is organizing a major conference in 2020
The Psalm-Network is also preparing an edited volume on Political Liturgies.
Past Events
The Psalm-Network has organized workshops or sessions during the following conferences:
Political Liturgies
An overlooked Legacy of Ernst H. Kantorowicz
21-23 June 2019
Raczyński Palace in Obrzycko
For more info, see here.
54nd International Congress
on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo
Western Michigan University, May 9-12, 2019 .
Session Title: Adaptation and Appropriation:
Liturgies for New Power Realities in the Middle Ages
The International Medieval Congress 2018
University of Leeds, July 2-5, 2018,
Session Title: "Political and Liturgical Memory
in the Central Middle Ages",
Special Thematic Strand 'Memory' of the IMC 2018.
Click here for the abstract and all info)
Annual conference 21-23 June 2018,
Poznań, Poland.
"Liturgy and Politics in the Middle Ages: Bridging Divides".
For more info, see here.
53nd International Congress
on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo
Western Michigan University, May 10-13, 2018 .
Session Title: Politics, Society, and Liturgy in
the High Middle Ages: Forging Identity
Liturgy and Politics.
An Overlooked Legacy of Ernst H. Kantorowicz
University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań,
July 13-14, 2017
PSALM's first Annual Conference, click here for more info
The International Medieval Congress 2017
University of Leeds, July 3-6, 2017
Session entitled: Investigating 'Liturgical Otherness':
Liturgy, Cultural Exchange, and the Shaping of Identity
52nd International Congress
on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo
Western Michigan University, May 11-14, 2017
Session entitled: Conflict and Liturgy: Bridging Divides
51st International Congress
on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo
Western Michigan University, May 12-15, 2016
Session entitled:
Liturgy and Politics in the Ottonian Empire
The Twentieth Biennial New College Conference
on Medieval & Renaissance Studies
New College of Florida, March 10-12, 2016
Session entitled:
Liturgy & Society in the Early and High Middle Ages
Liturgy and Politics. New Perspectives of Research.
University of Warsaw, January 8, 2016
A Workshop